So many highlights in the one week!

What a week…it hasn’t been without its challenges but I’m going to concentrate on some of the highlights and there are many of them to choose from…

Due to trips to the National and Yearbook performances this has been my first full week of Yew Tree Youth Theatre and it was great to be able to get into rehearsals for the Christmas shows…all the performances are coming on a treat.  There is still a lot of work to be done but the annual festive magic is starting to happen and I am confident we shall have the usual joyous array of performances to delight our audiences with!

It’s the additional stuff I’d like to concentrate on…starting with An Evening of Enlightenment.  Wednesday found the Writers of YTYT and a selection of performers in very cold Orangery grounds putting together our element of this performance event.  I have to admit it felt like a step too far on what had already been a long, taxing day.  That was until I met Stems!  The pleasure of watching a piece of physical theatre I had directed being performed with live musicians of the calibre and brilliance of this band was such a pleasure…I was hooked.  Mix that with the chance to hear the top class work Gemma and the writers had produced made me wonder where else anyone would want to be.  When we came back on the Friday night for the performance things just got better.  The musicians and their music was still evocative and wonderful, the physical theatre company from YTYT were a credit to us and kicked out a great performance and the writers work was so brave and bold and brilliant!   Add that to fire sculptures and lighting and an audience that received our work generously and you have an unforgettable evening.  However perhaps my favourite bit was when the musicians from Stem said they’d enjoyed working with us and would like to do so again…I’m already creatively plotting for the New Year!

My other featured highlight of the week happened yesterday – 18 YTYT members auditioned for Connections and auditioned very well.  You could tell how inspired they were by the play and the project in the way they overcome their nerves and gave it their best shot.  However the thing that delighted me the most was that they already looked and felt like a company – they were generous of each other, supportive…they wanted everyone to do well…it was a delight to be in the middle of it.  The casting is now done and I look forward to the next connections journey for YTYT with great anticipation.

But don’t just take my word for it read the rich offerings of guest blogs for a more detailed look at the high points of this week!


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