And Merv offers the fourth guest blog this week!

It's incredibly impressive how a certain person might not seem like the obvious choice for a certain role, however when you give it a chance they bring something intelligently new to the character. A whole new aspect to how you see that character, in a new shade of dark and light. Crimson company highlight all these magnificent features and much more which make it a, show must see. Beauty and the beast is well known, but never has it been so refreshing to watch Crimson company perform it in their own style and genre of acting! It gives me shivers (very rare) and I can truly say it will blow your mind's away. I know this of course only because I had been invited to help co- choreograph a physical movement scene for Beauty and Beast. And I dont want to ruin any surprises, So I wont say anymore about that. Except that they have worked so hard, and boy did it pay off because it looks spectacular! It will make you cry, it will make you laugh and it certainly will make you talk about it!


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