Holly with her farewell blog...

I started Yew Tree 6 years ago, when we still did summer performances at Cathedral, when groups didn't have names and before the first blog was ever written. My first performance with Yew Tree was a series of fairy stories that we started devising in my first session and I'd never seen so many confident, outgoing people in one room. I couldn't wait to come back the next week, and as it turns out I came back every week for 6 years..

I could try and go through every memory I have from spending so much time with so many great people, but the things that I've learnt from Yew Tree are the following and I would like to know that anyone who joins Yew Tree takes these on board:
-Cowboys and Indians is my all time favourite game ever, closely followed by Mafia - maybe predictable, but ones I will always request when I pay a visit..
-Ratchet Screwdriver is by far the most competitive and maybe violent game I have taken part in, nevertheless, a great time
-You can spend months devising and rehearsing a performance but as soon as you step on that stage, it's over in 5 minutes - don't wish it away
-Year of the Freeman definitely made it's mark and will hopefully come around again soon, thanks Danny
-Black clothes are a basic essential, and one pair of black shoes and they'll be making a reappearance soon
-Getting up early every Saturday isn't that bad, because it's usually followed by a communal Nandos
- Watching Daly climb the walls and throw himself about is worrying, but apparently he's invincible..

I'll take so many memories away from this and no doubt will be back as soon as I can. I've sat and literally cried with laughter watching Beth showcase her dancing for the first time to us before 12 Dancing Princesses, sat and wished I was brave enough to get up and sing at Open Mic Night but actually am secretly happy that I just get to enjoy everyone else's performances and I don't want to leave! I really have made amazing friends and there are a couple in particular that I'm absolutely gutted to be leaving. I will come back for as long as I'm welcome to, but I really want to say a huge huge thank you to Sarah, Danny, Oz and Gemma, for performances, giving me the inspiration to create hundreds of characters over the years and for building my confidence so much. Thank you for letting me follow you around on work experience too, I learnt a lot and I hope one day when I'm (hopefully) a teacher and have my own class of primary school kids, I'll be able to get through to them and motivate them the way you do. If i can possess even a bit of all your qualities I'll be very happy! My Mondays and Saturdays haven't been dull for a long time and it's down to you! I hope everyone who joins Yew Tree takes away what I have,
Thank you once again,
Lots of love, Holly 😊 x


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