Aayushi with her farewell blog

It seems appropriate that I'm writing this on a Saturday morning. I think a part of me will always associate this time of the week with Best & Worsts, Ninja Warrior, Mafia, Cowboys & Indians, I could honestly go on. The past 3 and a half years have flown despite having been packed with so many performances, whether they be at the Phoenix Theatre at Airedale or indeed Wakefield Theatre Royal.
My first Yew Tree experience goes back to an Open Mic several years ago. I'd been promised a lot of talent by Gath and I can honestly say I was not left disappointed. 2 people's performances stuck with me in particular: Jack Davies and Ash. Everyone was so lovely and the community that was apparent was something I wanted to be a part of. It was also here that I was introduced to the quiz tradition... Something that isn't taken lightly.
And so, one Saturday morning in March 2010, I went to my first Gold Company session. I had been told (warned) about Best & Worst and so the session started smoothly. Prior to this, the last time I had done drama was in Year 7 so this was good; it was different and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it enough to go back then next week, and the next and again until it was just part of my routine. Sessions were filled with things that I definitely wouldn't get the chance to do otherwise: physical theatre, devising, writing, I'm sure you're all aware.
Christmas is definitely made more magical at Yew Tree. The Worn Out Shoes and Sleeping Beauty being the two performances I got to be a part of. I'm not gonna lie - playing a fairy with wings and glitter and magical powers was definitely something I enjoyed a lot (maybe too much...). To perform alongside some of the most talented people of my own age has been a privilege and I'm sure Yew Tree is just the start of a massive career for so many of you.
Yew Tree has helped to become more confident with public speaking, meeting new people but also in myself. I've made a lot of friends that I'm sure I'll be seeing. It was so good having Holly and Beth at Gold too - it seems everyone has their school-Yew Tree crossover friends. This past year has been one of the hardest, applying to university and going through interviews but knowing that if I needed an escape, Gold company would be there was a comfort I indulged in. I know I'll be joining a drama society at uni, I'd hate to stop now. Sarah in particular, you've always been so approachable and the help you've given me is truly appreciated. Danny, too, just a hilarious person and I'm genuinely happy for you.
So yeah, I guess this isn't really a 'bye' but more of a 'see you later'. I'm sure I'll be back for Open Mics and to see the Christmas shows. Good luck to everyone and thanks for having me. Love Aayushi xx


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