A week in the bubble and out of my comfort zone: Part 2

Turns out, being out of your comfort zone is the perfect place to spend a week.  I have had the most glorious of times at NODA Summer School working with a truly wonderful company of actors made up of nine very different people but I’ll come back to them in a moment.
First it needs emphasising how well I’ve been looked after.  The accommodation and cuisine were wonderful, so wonderful that real life is going to be a bit of a challenge…the people who make the summer school happen and run smoothly are outstanding, nothing is too much trouble for them and as a result the experience for both tutors and students is excellent.
Second the opportunity to work with tutors of such a high calibre is unique.  I have listened in awe to the stories and experiences of the tutors that were my colleagues for the week and made lovely friends too.  It’s also been a delight to rekindle friendships with those I haven’t seen for an age…needless to say within 10 minutes it was as if we had never been apart.
Finally my company of actors, I think the best summary of their brilliance was given by James – who attended The Method course – when he said that they would fit straight into Yew Tree after he had seen their sharing at the end of the week.  They were ridiculously good…such hard work and dedication, such openness and appreciation, such talent and such loveliness…all nine were a pleasure to work with and it was a privilege to spend time with.  I will literally never forget them as individuals or as a group and I will, for all time, cherish the memories they have given me.
In terms of what I have learnt…As a result of my week in the bubble, I am sat here, back in Wakefield once again, contemplating the importance of what we do at Yew Tree and the power of creativity in general…it unlocks potential, it binds people together, it liberates and it enlightens…it is something truly wonderful…I knew this already but what I’ve learnt is how vital it is to both hold on tight to it and share it at every opportunity…I intend to carry on doing that for as long as I possibly can…


  1. As part of your company for the week of Summer School I am humbled by your comments and although I now feel sore, tired and more than a little sad at our going our own separate at the end of it - I am exhilarated to have been inspired by yourself, with the help of the rest of the company, to break out of my comfort zone and try something new. I'll never forget this week for as long as I draw breathe - Thanks Sarah


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