A Postcard from Menorca

Dear Yew Tree Youth Theatre

Having a lovely time here in Menorca...the sun is hot, the views idyllic and the company wonderful... haven't thought about you that much if I was honest but enough to take the time out to write this postcard style blog, oh and I thought about all the results getters on Thursday...I hope you got what you needed and if you didn't that an alternative plan has presented itself, my necessitated alternative plan turned out to be one of the best things I could ever had hoped for!

I've mainly been doing very little which as you can imagine is a bit of a shock to the system but I'm coping...I've read a lot - my current rate is a book a day so there is lots of great input going into my brain which will help with the many scripts I need to write on my return.  Also I've been doing a lot of people watching which is always good in terms of material...people are fascinating and I so rarely have the time to sit back and watch...so yes...it's all wonderfully restorative here. Not a lot in the way of culture going on unless you count the hotel evening entertainment but that's a whole other story...

looking forward to seeing Black Company on Thursday and its not long before the whole company starts their term which is a happy happy prospect...see you all soon.

Sending you the best of wishes



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