Jack has filled us in on the Zombie shenanigans at the Hepworth...

As some of you know, last week members of Yew Tree Youth Theatre guided the legions of the undead around the Hepworth art gallery as a promotion for their new exhibition showing Hepworth’s drawings of doctors and surgeries. Everyone had a great time, with some hilarious moments.
First, Thomas “First of all I'd just like to say that doing the Zombie Walk at the Hepworth with awesome friends at Yew Tree was brilliant! It was such a fun day full of laughter and decaying zombies, i.e. visitors to the Hepworth aha…I had a blast doing the tours around the gallery and playing Jed, one of the visitor assistants who just didn’t quite get that the Hepworth was actually a research facility for zombies…some of my favourite highlights of the day was seeing all the visitors on the tour really getting into the spirit of the event and just going for it as zombies, and even scaring one or two people ha and all the staff of the Hepworth were getting into it all just as much as we were (: and us in the group had the best of times in character and out of character while we waited between tours to sit and chat and eat lovely food the staff provided us with ^^ tehe…It was an awesome day and a great end to the week after performing at Nostell for Halloween (:”
Next up Charlotte, with something more short and sweet “It was a really fun experience, very very weird and like nothing I have ever done.”
Michael’s thoughts “Representing Yew Tree at a unique event like the Hepworth’s zombie walk was always going to be a brilliant way to spend a Saturday and the moment I watched someone so committed to their character they threw themselves down a flight of stairs I knew I had made a good decision In putting my name forward. TOP COMMITMENT for that bloke”
And lastly, my own. 
I loved it. Zombies are one of my favourite things ever (Not as up there as Batman, but still quite high) and it was great getting to dress up again as a zombie hunter and getting to kick some ass...and by that I mean prodding them with a bat anytime they got out of line. The commitment people put into their costumes was excellent, and the shambling horde seemed to really enjoy the tour, fully getting into character and engaging with the art. I hope we can return to the Hepworth CDC Facility sometime and see how Kayne, Ashton, Dr. Stone and Steven Redfield are combating the virus...and hopefully Jed and Pippa will still be there in one piece!
Ps. The Hepworth really looked after us as well. Thanks again Hepworth staff!


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