This very lovely blog is by Leah from Sapphire...

    Right, so, this is my first official blog for Yew Tree. The other was just coursework that Sarah wanted to use as a Lit Fest Blog. I’m not sure how to tackle this so I have coffee to hand and music to ear.
    So, this for year’s Christmas performance, I have a larger part than I have had in previous years. It is most definitely a challenge but it’s so nice to perform differently than I have done before.  The run though for this week was the cast of the night I’m performing and I enjoyed every moment of performing this week.  Every week we have done a run through, the cast have gotten better and better each week. Being a narrator and not part of the chorus means I can see how lovely the cave and market scene looks from a point of view of the audience. It is really well staged and it really does look like what it’s mean to! Even the smaller parts like the cave and the villagers do pull the whole play together.  Certain people really do stand out every week though. Aladdin, Sam Winder, who had his lines learnt for the first rehearsal back was just astonishing and shows how much effort is put in by him to make sure his part is played to the fullest. Michael, Lavanya and Jess who I have the pleasure to act with most weeks are always getting bigger and better. There are a few lines that need learning here and there, despite that, they’re such brilliant people and are wonderful at performing as their character. This also goes for the narrators on the other cast also. 
   I’ve been in a total of 4 Yew Tree Christmas shows and it’s so nice to see everything go together as it nears to the day. Coming back from summer and seeing the script for the first time to getting to the point where the play is not far from completion is just a reminder another Yew Tree year is over with. To see how far I have come myself over the past few years is nice to see also. From being part of the chorus in Beauty and The Beast to being the narrator in Aladdin is something I wouldn’t have really expected, though every Christmas performance has been delightful to perform in. 


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