A morning of success...

Saturday morning at Gold Company was a joy.  I approached it with trepidation as progress in Flutter (our version of Cinderella) has been disjointed of late due to half term, Hepworth Zombie Tours and Connections retreats.  Despite all of these distractions relentlessly the performance dates inescapably approach. 

By the end of our Saturday morning however we had made such progress that I was no longer scared of the time trickling away as a finished production now feels possible but in fact entirely likely…

As a director it’s my job to cajole actors into the best performance they are capable as individuals, as actors working together in a scene and as a cast.  I try to do this in a number of ways…I encourage and coerce, push and prompt, challenge and I hope every now and again inspire.  On Saturday it felt like all that energy was put to very good use…

Generally the two thirds of the play we worked on is looking so much better but there were some moments that made even greater strides, that made the leap from awkwardly mediocre to brilliant and that felt so good.  An example might be the transformation of Cinderella from raggedy urchin to shimmering princess capable of catching the Prince’s eye and heart.  Up until now we had, at best, managed a basic walk through of this fairy tale moment but on Saturday when Buttons saw her for the first time there was one of those glorious moments where the whole rehearsal room fell under the spell of the magic being created. Everyone felt how electric the production could be if a 100% of everything was poured into it with a similar amount of thought and effort.

I left the rehearsal room a happy director and only hope that we can pick up from our achievements when we return next week and build something really special for our audiences…it’s all there if we reach for it…


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