Tom blogs about our foray into Shakespeare

So then…its all being going on at Black Company these past few weeks I can tell you all...we’ve been going crazy for a bit of Shakespeare we have as we come to the final stages of rehearsals for a our performance of…*Sound of royal trumpet procession*…The Comedy of Errors!! *Crazy applause, wooooooo*

That’s right…Shakespeare’s shortest comedy will be performed by the Black Company, and it’s been quite a hilarious journey so far (see what I did there?)

The group has been working really hard over the last couple of weeks and so far everything seems to be going rather great (: everyone is almost off script, the blocking and staging is just about finished and all the costumes and props are being gathered together…all the ticks and tocks of the clock are slowly working away till the finish product…however it has all been just fun and laughs…the subject of Shakespeare, with all his meanings, his words and grand speeches, it can be very hard for many different people, and you can lose yourself in the process of it all and find yourself having a mental breakdown trying to pronounce your “Abbess’s” and “Ephesus’s” perfectly (believe me, I know!) but once you get over those tricky little bridges in the first couple of weeks, where you don’t understand the words, the story or your characters and what the hell they are doing and saying…it gets so much easier…and once get you off scripts, like we all did for our rehearsals day at the Hepworth last Tuesday (which was a brilliant rehearsal might I add)…You start to fully own your characters, start to play around with the language you speak and give yourself every single bit of action you do on stage…and in the process of it all, you just let go and live and breath Shakespeare, like it was meant to be done.

Now as we come up to the final week or so before opening night, there is still work to be done…some of which comes along this Thursday as we take our first stab at running the whole play with costumes and props and such…this will be one of the crucial stages of production where any last minute direction or discoveries from the actors will happen. Afterwards we go into the dress runs and then performances  and its all very exciting…even more so because of the place we are performing in, the Black Cloud outside the Hepworth, which is a perfect setting for a Shakespeare production…its intimate, its open air, its in the round…there's exits and entrances everywhere so the audience wont know what will happen next or where the energy and action of the play will take them either…and that’s very cool 
All I can really say is come and see this fantastic production for yourselves, and how much fun we have all had in creating such a great show…and it all happens Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st June, 7:30pm at the Hepworth…so be there!

T x


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