First guest blog of the week is from Yasmin who played one of the Dromio's in Comedy of Errors

So this week was performance week for Black Company’s Comedy of Errors!! We had our dress rehearsal in Black Cloud at the Hepworth on Tuesday in lovely sunny weather and everything went well. 

On Wednesday it was sunny throughout the day and then it decided to rain in the evening which was obviously rubbish considering we were performing outside! But we didn’t let this get us down and the performance went brilliantly. We had a great audience who laughed at all the right times (especially Gemma!) and generally looked interested, which is always nice! As well as a good audience, we also had lovely feedback, which made us look forward to Thursday night’s performance even more.

On Thursday, everyone woke up to horrible miserable weather (especially considering we’re in June!!). The forecast wasn’t looking good for the evening but, after much deliberation, it was decided we were going to perform in Black Cloud anyway and do the play to whoever was brave enough to turn up to watch us. The rain stopped for our warm up but we discovered that the performance area was extremeeeeeeelyy slippery which is never good (especially when you’re performing a frantic comedy!). Despite this, the heavens were on our side because it didn’t rain throughout the hour and a half performance, we had a brilliant audience who turned up with their brollies and bin bags and nobody fell over (unless they were supposed to).

So…after lots of rehearsing and line learning, Comedy of Errors is over and Black Company have officially performed their first ever full length Shakespeare!! Hopefully there will be many more to come, We can’t relax just yet as we’re back to rehearsals next Thursday for our upcoming performance for Flock to Ossett!

Over and Out,


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