Going National...

YTYT went national today as I travelled to Bexhill on Sea to deliver workshops for a youth theatre based there.  Now for those of you who have never been, which up until this weekend included me, Bexhill on Sea is way, way, way down the country…past London and keep going for a good couple of hours…until you reach Sussex.  As I type this I am still making my way back to Wakefield with a good couple of hours to go. 

So was it worth it…all that travelling to work with a group of strangers.  The answer is definitely yes…I spent all day playing games, creating theatre, teaching physical theatre.  The satisfaction of bestowing the gift of continuous images on a group of 15 year olds that have never come across it and then turning devised physical duets into a piece of theatre with scripts they had written themselves was magic.  Not to mention of course that I found myself in the same restaurant as my absolute hero Eddie Izzard on the Saturday evening, I was entirely start struck for a moment - a very unfamiliar feeling for someone like me...

On a more down to earth note, I was also reminded of how lucky we are…all the freedom we get to explore such a wide variety of things within Yew Tree and also how lucky I am to have met and worked with so many inspirational practitioners that have introduced me to so many lovely techniques and ideas allowing me to develop my own method and approach to making theatre with young people.

In addition to the workshops I did a Q and A with the volunteers that work with the young people and they asked me how we keep things fresh in terms of what we do at the Youth Theatre.  It took me a while to come up with the answer but in the end I realised it was a combination of always being ready for a challenge and also trying to listen to you, the members, as much as possible as you guide us brilliantly in what creative outlet you need from us and in so doing provide us with the challenge we need to meet.

I’ve spent the journey back breaking down the stories of Aladdin and Cinderella which can only mean one thing…that I’m coming back to one of my favourite but also one of the most ridiculous times of the YTYT year…in the next 8 weeks I will write 3 plays!  With your help of course…so get ready for the new half term Yew Tree it’s going to be a good one!


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