
Being the artistic director of Yew Tree Youth Theatre…is literally a dream job, it is my dream job.  I love it…it occupies my thoughts when I’m awake and my dreams when I am asleep and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  However it is undeniably all encompassing, unrelenting and quite frankly often simply ridiculous.  There are the big things to sort out: funding, staffing, strategy, programming.  The medium things to get done: planning sessions, writing scripts, providing references and offering advice.  Finally there are the little things: the individual circumstances of each person I work with do they need space, inspiration, challenging, nurturing…an understanding shoulder to cry on or a metaphorical slap in the face for the decisions they’re making about their present or their future or both…as I said all in all a little all encompassing…

That’s just in an average week…and next week is going to be anything but average. Monday I direct Sapphire…now progressing full steam ahead with their creation of a new take on Aladdin.  Tuesday night I have the dress rehearsal of Comedy of Errors – after our Youth Music session at Lupset.  On Wednesday we have our Chrysalis Youth Theatre and then a performance of Comedy of Errors and Thursday after I direct Orange company I dash to the second and final performance of Comedy of Errors.  On Friday I will oversee 3 performances at West Yorkshire Dance Centre and then Saturday holds a combination of Gold, running a physical theatre session at the West Yorkshire Playhouse and then the lovely task of going to watch a performance I haven’t had anything to do with as I attend Crimson’s adaptation of As You Like It…and breathe.  Oh and have I mentioned at the same time I’ll be getting a theatre in education tour ready to send out to the high schools of Wakefield…

This means that this week has been full of last minute rehearsal and preparation and as is often the case it’s a mixed bag of highs and lows.  There are some breathtaking performances in Comedy of Errors…seriously, if you haven’t decide when you’re coming – make the decision…don’t miss out, you’ll seriously regret it.  Equally the younger performers of Sarah Thomas…some of them are just brilliant – 6 year olds reciting their lines in Spirits of the Landscape with as much expression and skill as the Black Company.  All three of the performers showcase young actors and performers with such potential.  However there is equally the inevitable gaps…in actors ability to remember lines, in their thoughts, in their awareness in their preparation.  The amount of times I have reminded young people from 6 – 24 this week that brilliant performances only occur as a result of graft is innumerable.  Hard work and maximum effort…that’s the difference between getting through something and creating a performance that you are truly proud of…

So teams…so lovely actors please use your time this week wisely and put in all the work and effort and preparation you possibly can…don’t make excuses…rise to the challenge and make your director and yourself the happiest of people…if I’m going to shattered I’d prefer to be with a whole bunch of brilliant performances to reflect upon…


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