We are getting closer and closer to the extravaganza that will be Flock to Ossett and so a group of YTYT went back on the streets - well town square really - of Ossett this weekend to make sure everyone knows about it...Jack blogged about the experience...

Promoting something is very hard. Sometimes people don’t want to listen to you. They brush you off, or as has sometimes happened in previous Flock to Ossett promotions, deliberately avoided walking near you. 

Yesterday though, was one of the funnest mornings in a long while. And a brilliant promotional event to boot.
11 of us were in Ossett centre...square...market...there were a few names thrown about. We were dressed as old time newspaper sellers and had free promotional papers to give to the public as well as banners explaining what we were promoting. We met outside Eller. Coffee and after a quick introduction from Ralph we were off into town ready to give out newspapers to any and all people we came across. 

I learnt a few tactics about promoting something like Flock to Ossett. You need to make people thing they’re missing out on something so saying things like, "Have you got one?" makes them think, "No I don’t."  Using the "Ossett Observer" paper name was also a good promotional tool, as many residents were familiar with the original paper under that name. Thirdly, just be brave, be bold, and when all else fails, just talk fast enough for people to hear what you’re saying, but needing to stop to listen because they didn’t catch all of it. 

I can’t speak for everyone on the day, as I spent most of the time roaming with Mikey, giving out papers left and right. Rarely were we turned down, unless the person we talking to already had a copy of the paper. But I had an absolute blast. We gave away every single leaflet that we had, and everyone we gave them too seemed interested. 

Things not F
lock to Ossett related, but I thought needed a mention, would be the biker gang looking people who had some of the coolest 50’s cars in the world, the random Ferrari that pulled into the centre for the car show, and the brass band playing excellent covers of pop songs. Personal favourite, Lionel Ritchie’s “Hello”.

Also, thanks again to Ralph for being a great support and being a top bloke for getting us ice creams, Jacqui for coming down just to see how were getting on, and Mark at Eller. Coffee, for letting us store Flock to Ossett related things in the shop, and just being brilliantly helpful.

And of course, the T
ewtree-ers who gave up there Saturday mornings helping us promote flock to Ossett. Y’all brill.


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