First guest blogger of the week James Budenberg with the first of what will be a regular slot as the writers prepare for their summer festival

So I’m pretty new to writers. It’s something I always wanted to try and I didn’t know whether it would work for me or not. Turns out it does though which is nice. It’s quite weird because although It’s not the most serious of places everyone takes what they write extremely seriously and that’s why I think the festival we’re going to put together is going to be so exciting. An example is how the group is so different, there are some people who just come to writers and some people that get involved in everything Yew Tree does, and that gives the group a really nice feel. We were coming up with ideas for the festival on Wednesday and everyone there had such different ideas, ranging from whole novels to kitchen sink plays. That’s why I reckon the festival will reflect the essence of our group, and that’s that sometimes when you put very different things together it can churn out something still very tight. I know we will incur problems because we are so so relaxed in the way we do things. But now we have accepted the challenge and I hope you’ll come see the finished product,
All the best, James


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