As has become the tradition we have a blog by all the actors who performed at the National Connections Festival at Kendal this weekend...enjoy! 


So…connections 2012…it’s been brilliant. Bit sad, cos you know…some peoples last connections.  But it’s been fantastic. The performance of journey to x was at such a high level…can’t really articulate my thoughts well about it…just want to say brilliant loads of times, but that would get redundant. It’s been fun, seeing old and new faces here at Kendal. It’s been n amazing journey to get here. Only done connections twice, it’s been brill both times  Hope for more awesome Kendal times in the future.


Connections 2012. Oh my God it is so easy to underestimate the work that went on in a little dance school in Ossett every Saturday afternoon for what feels like forever to make Journey to X  …if you are in ANY doubt about doing connections ever, ever, then do it. I’ve been involved in as many of them as my age has allowed and it still hasn’t been enough. DO IT. I’ll be gate crashing next year ya babes.

Oh man, where do I start? Connections 2012 has been one hell of a journey from start to finish literally. I can’t believe Kendal has come this fast and that it’s the end of our production and performances. The last performance was amazing, but the performing on the stage is the most terrifying and incredible experience ever. It’s been one of the most amazing plays I think I will ever take part in. I’ve learnt so many new things from this Connections play and I think I will remember them for a long time. I honestly can’t wait for next year and I hope I get in. Peace out for now guiiiiiiiiiz! Xo

James L
So to say this is my first Connections I am making sure it is not going to be my last!
What an experience it has all been, from the beginning of the process to the very end, this 6 month journey has shown me so much to do with character and creating them 3 dimensionally. And to finish it all in Kendal is the cherry on top of all that is Connections. So needless to say even though I have one more Connections in me it still won’t be the last.

So its taken 6 months to get here but KENDALLLLLL!!!!!!!!! I like Kendal lots and lots, I forget every year how much I enjoy it. I don’t think I’ve laughed this much for a long time, I mean seriously, my stomach aches every time I move! Really looking forward to watching the performances tonight and the party. This could be my last connections, and part of me just doesn’t want to get in to uni, ha. Production team have been brilliant and have really made the process enjoyable. Thank you everybody for making this an experience to remember!

I have been to Kendal 3 times now and it has become one of my favourite parts of the year. I love spending more than a 3 hour session with Yew Tree and even though I am now past my time and can no longer perform… I hope that this will not be my last time in Kendal! It’s such a brilliant experience and such a pretty & happy place. I love Kendal and I love Yew Tree J

Connections has been a great experience, from the start of Journey to X up until the performance in Kendal. I have learnt a lot in the past few months experiencing the nasty and sliminess of my character it’s totally different from my personality. I have learnt that lines are important in pace otherwise it can go pear shaped. The production team was just amazing and we could not of done it without them.

I admit due to all the hype that everyone gives Kendal I was expecting it to be brilliant, but it was different to what I expected, even more brilliant. The performance felt really good, all the cast really worked together to create something I think we can be really proud of. I’ve also realized Yew Tree will never have a cricket team, despite the fact I’ve never had a more hilarious time than playing That’s Out the catching was abysmal, no bowling celebrations this year.

I actually wasn’t going to audition for connections this year as I hadn’t been at Yew Tree that long but man what was I thinking? I have had one of the best weekends I think I will ever have! its been such a joy to work with such wonderful people and get to know new people from the Brewery! I was so happy that I got the part I wanted and performing in Kendal will defiantly be one of my highlights and I will definately be telling my great great great great grandchildren..if I make that far.. well done guysss we shaaaaaaaaaaaaaboooozled it! Bring on connections 2013!

Its impossible to sum up the Kendal experience, and the Connections experience on a whole to be honest. Its been a blasty blast, and not the slightest bit sad considering its my lasty last. Each Connections I have been a part of has been fantastic in its own way and this was no different. This weekend has had my stomach killing due to laughing so much. The cast has been fantastic, I can’t think of a better set of people to do a final connections with. It’s been a pleasure and I look forward to watching you all next year! x

Dancers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:
Can’t think of a better cast to donate Saturday afternoons to, and we realized that we should become professional dancers/stylists/footballers (apart from Amy). Enjoyed the little party times last night (and couldn’t talk/walk afterwards), but felt slightly intimidated by Michael’s straddle jump and splits. We also enjoyed Mervs cheeky shower singing, as our little wake-up song, woooo;). Overall we really enjoyed both the weekend and the rehearsal process and we had a new experience and met loads of new people, and I don’t think we’ve ever laughed more in our lives. WE LOOOOOOVE YEW TREEEEEEEEEEE!!!! YOMO (you only moose once).

This Connections has been fantastic! I can’t believe I have left it so long to get myself a place here. WHAT A FOOL I WAS!!! It has been such absolutely brilliant from start to finish and I am so glad with myself for deciding to come. I am also so proud to be a part of this wonderful company who are so talented and disciplined enough to put on a performance of that caliber.

I’ve really enjoyed my first connections with Yew Tree Youth Theatre and I definitely want to be involved with all the others. I am rather sad it took me so long to come across Yew Tree as I would have loved to have been a part in all the connections I have missed.
So this has been my fifth and final Connections .. teary times. I wonder if the fact I don’t look / act 20 will come into account for the auditions next year? Hint hint… I’m not even joking…
I love Yew Tree lots its not just a theatre company but a big family that look after you and knit together (not wool ha) :) lotsaaa love . ps. All you cheeky youngsters in the age range of been allowed to be in it in the coming years.. I’m well jel of you so don’t pass on the opportunity to be involved or you’ll wanna go fry yourself for missing out.

It’s my second time here at Kendal and this time I’m performing for real! So I’ve been ridiculously excited, and rightly so, It’s brill. Performing plays and meeting new people is an awful lot of fun…
Yew Tree has been a part of my life for the past four years and I am so glad that I am a part of it and that I have this privilege to come to Kendal and perform an ace play with some ace people! J Yew Tree has literally changed my life, since I joined Yew Tree I’ve become a nicer, more sociable and a better person, it’s a second family.
Right now I am sitting on the floor watching everybody sing along to some music played by some of our new friends Curtis and Louisa, and is so nice just to be a part of it. :D
Merv is playing now so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to sit and listen. Good day.

Yasmin: It has been my first time in Kendal and I’ve had an absolutely amazing time, it has definitely lived up to my expectations (which were very high)! We have been made to feel very welcome and I reallllllllllly enjoyed performing on the Friday night.  Also, I’m an ace backstop.  It’s been fab, that is all J


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