Nothing else like it...

What a weekend… As the photo’s, comments and status’s have shouted loud clear it was our final performances of Journey to X at the Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal.  It was quite simply brilliant.  Such a wonderful time spent in the company of wonderful people.  Made to feel so at home in a lovely theatre, having the opportunity to work on such a clever and insightful play, seeing actors achieve things in their performances that they hadn’t reached before and then enjoying watching the game of Kings that is That’s Out.

It’s so sad that it’s over, so sad…and I will miss it, but it’s left such a legacy.  Everybody who took part has emerged a better, brighter, richer person as a result.  Not one person involved remains untouched by the experience. I have watched as both the process and the performance has invested greater understanding, skill, sensitivity and empathy in every member of the company.  As I said minutes before the performance began Journey to X was a fantastic journey bravely made by brilliant people.

However, that’s not all that was going on this weekend.  While 20 of us were enjoying the space and time in Kendal a small group of Yew Treers were working in collaboration with other creative minds and souls.  The ambition was to signpost the people of Ossett and Gawthorpe to opportunities where they could get involved in equally fulfilling creative opportunities.  The road was long, the conditions were cold but the spirit of all of those there meant that 2,500 people have an invitation to enjoy the kinds of experience we at Yew Tree take for granted.  If only they could know what we know about how there’s nothing else like it…if they did they wouldn’t think twice…


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