Taking things for granted...

I’m going to say/write a controversial thing this week…I’m not sure how it’s going to be received…but I’m not scared…I’m going to say it anyway…despite the uncertainty…and I’m going to blame Ellie Moran for planting the seed for what I’m about to say in my head…

So…here goes…I’m putting it out there…

I think we take Yew Tree for granted…not all the time…and not everything about it…but none the less…

I suppose you’ll want some evidence…well I’ll give you Ellie’s insight that sparked off the thought in my head to begin with. On Thursday she mentioned how she’d noticed that everyone leaves their personal belongings – phones, wallets and money around the hall without the fear that’s it’ll go missing…to which I responded that there wasn’t person that I didn’t trust in the room…a room full of people…when I said it I realised that this is pretty impressive but it’s just something that I assume is in place…I take it for granted…

This thought then in turn made me think about how much I take for granted about you; your loyalty, enthusiasm, commitment, creativity and then I thought about how much I see you take for granted about each other and the community within which you have an integral part…

We’re coming to the point where some of the people of this community and the things they bring to the youth theatre are leaving. This period of transition does have has the power to make you look at things afresh…things that you took for granted about these people…their impact and influence week to week suddenly won’t be there which is more than a little heartrending…

However there is always a silver lining…and in this case it’s that people who don’t always get seen or the acknowledgement for what they bring will have room to be seen, not to be overlooked, not to be taken for granted…because here’s another thing that is thoughtlessly accepted…there is so much talent…so many strong performers…so in losing something there is definitely something else to be gained…

So where does all this leave me and this blog? It appears it leaves me in a sort of Toby Ziegler moment of clarity with a need to say this…you are all so valued whether you are going or staying, whether you are established or new you are so very valued…and what’s more it is my resolution not to take you for granted…in return I ask you to ensure that every now and again you take a moment to appreciate what you are a part of in a real sense and also appreciate your fellow members of the youth theatre for no other reason that…as I’m sure a number of people would tell you…it’s over so much sooner and you’ll have to say goodbye so much quicker than you’d imagine…


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