Happy Days...

This week has been utterly dominated by Yew Tree Youth Theatre…in that my usual youth theatre days are Monday, Thursday and Saturday – with a few sessions for the dancers of Sarah Thomas’s thrown in for good measure of a Friday…this week as Gemma was on holiday I was at youth theatre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday…with a few sessions for the dancers of Sarah Thomas’s thrown in for good measure of a Friday…

So here come some highlights…

Sunday – the most resilient cast IN. THE. WORLD performed in stupidly cold temperatures and rain…but I mentioned them in last weeks blog…

Monday – The amount of laughter that the Sapphire Company create is magic…the princesses are brilliantly absurd and ridiculous…I do worry about both me and the company…what kind of minds invent such nonsense…and thank goodness for Dee this week...she manned up in good style for which I am massively grateful

Tuesday – Ah Ruby Company…a lovely combination of mayhem and marvelousness… their cookery programmes were entirely hat stand…but I was more than impressed at how smooth and well rehearsed a couple of the scenes were…also I got to see what a good rapport Joanna and Jess as the volunteers in the session have developed and this made me very happy indeed…

Wednesday – The wonderful writer’s forum. Now here I have to make an admission…I should only ever be allowed to run Ivory Company’s session every now and again…because I enjoy the actual writing bit of it so much I feel like I shirk my duties as a facilitator… my self-indulgent response to this session’s task, which I thoroughly enjoyed writing can be viewed at http://sarahyewtree.tumblr.com

Thursday – Firstly Miners – more on them in Saturday’s highlights…and then The Lost Happy Endings – I love this piece so much…we’ve spent three weeks on it and only got 3 and a half minutes of it done…each minute layered and intricate and beautiful…an evening working with the Black Company on this and I want it to go on forever…I could quite happily have still been rehearsing at midnight…also it was the last week of goodbyes as we said farewell to Ellyn and Nathan…both of whom will be missed a very, very, very great deal…

Friday – I lead three groups of dancers all for three quarters of an hour…but in these short sharp sessions there is lots of lovely Christmas production preparation from the 12 days of dancing to Another Night Before Christmas…but the best bit was the emergence of an actor in the guise of a child who I have been teaching for years – she’s still only 8 - who all of a sudden demonstrated the discipline, self control and presence I’ve been waiting to see for all that time…it was truly a watershed moment enjoyed greatly by both myself and Alice who although a relatively new volunteer at these sessions is such an brilliant asset to the team…still makes me have a warm feeling in my heart when I picture her standing in neutral looking utterly an actor…

Saturday – First Gold Company…there were quite a few absent this week but this actually worked well as I got the chance to view the new members who have joined recently a little more closely and get a clearer picture of their impressive promise and potential…I also was so impressed with the chorus who are tackling tricky stuff so well…I’m surprised at how quickly they pull things together…how quickly they make scenes look good…Obviously my brilliant assistant Mr Danny Bell needs mentioning here...as the sessions wouldn't be the same without him...Then finally Miners rehearsals – we have a whole piece ready for the Memorial service and it was so satisfying to tweak the transitions and perfect the poignant moments…a lovely way to end the week…especially as Gemma was back and I got to work with her...Yay!

So there you go…kind of wish I could have checked in with Green, Red, Purple and Crimson to make it a full house but for that I would have needed a Hermione Granger type time turner or of course the Tardis recently reclaimed by David Tennant from Matt Smith according to Lucy…

All in all a reasonably full week there and that doesn’t include all the workshops we did in schools and the fact that I had to act for a day…but that’s another story…


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