
Normally I like doing the youth theatre blog…but not this week…For the last couple of days I’ve been searching around for something that would inspire the prerequisite 4 to 5 hundred words demanded in such a task and I haven’t been able to alight on any one idea that I was happy enough with to develop into the finished product.

I have now decided there are two reasons for this…the first is the dull but now immortalised line by Ed…”No time, no time.” As I’ve been with the Youth Theatre more or less all of the waking hours of the weekend…and certainly all of the working ones…an occupation that makes writing about it tricky…the second is that I’m a little, in fact a lot, overwhelmed…and it’s hard to write about things that overwhelm you…the words just don’t come…

Here are a few of the things that are overwhelming me…losing precious people and coping with that loss, watching the way the youth theatre just changes shape to accommodate that loss so although things shift and alter there are no holes left…observing the way new members join and established members step up their game to keep the standard of our work as strong as ever appearing happy to be given the opportunity of getting their voice heard more clearly…seeing the level of professionalism shown in rehearsals for the Christmas shows and with that the realisation of how far people have come since last year…and last but not least in anyway the enormous stamina, resilience, self control and dedication demonstrated by 24 young people as they performed 3 times in the rain wind and cold at Sandal Castle today…

So yeah…just a few of the overwhelming things in my head this week…

Yew Tree Youth Theatre…I salute you…


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