And here is Jack's take on the physical theatre day...

OK, I'll start my first ever blog by simply saying that Yew Tree are just brilliant....brilliant brilliant brilliant people. It's so nice to be able to work (and play) with people that you know have the perfect ratio of professional awesomeness to playfulness. ..

A perfect example of this is the Physical Theatre workshop earlier this week... after the day, I tried researching more into physical theatre and found this defenition:

"Physical theatre:
-Goes beyond verbal narrative, incorporating physical and visual elements on a level at least equal to verbal elements
-Is more than simply abstract movement – it includes some element of character, narrative, relationships, and interaction between the performers, not necessarily linear or obvious
-Includes a wide variety of styles, approaches, aesthetics – can include dance-theatre, movement theatre, clown, puppetry, mime, mask, vaudeville, and circus"

It's not the best...but I found it- and that made me happy.

anyways, the day consisted of various physical exercises- some lunch- and a final performance within a group to be shown to the rest of the group.

over the day, I found myself becoming more comfortable with the new techniques- Its easy to give up when realising that people are watching you try something new- thats scary...but you then realise that this is YEW TREE and that you are stupid for even contemplating giving up.....

The exercises focused on your physicality (well....obviously....but I think we've established that Im not very good at this haha) But I especially enjoyed maybe the simplest exercise- studying the hand. Brilliantly surreal and yet actively captivating, this had members of the youth theatre studying, and eventually being led around the room by their hand.
I bloody loved it.

I apologise for my (awful) blog.....but it is my, thats no excuse.....sorry...

But, It was an awesome day and I would absolutely love to do it again!



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