The wonderful Ellie Moran boys and girls...

This is the first time I've written the blog... and I can't say I'm brilliant for writing long paragraphs about what has gone on and what has inspired me, but with Yew Tree it seems so simple especially the Christmas Carol...

When we first started to direct Scrooge, I didn't really get into it that much, due to the fact that I hadn't seen the film or read the book. So improvising and devising on it seemed difficult, but as the weeks have gone on my mind has been inspired to what happens next... every week I wonder how the scene will continue, what will happen next, will scrooge realise? Will he learn? And I suppose it makes devising the piece ten times more exciting.

This week we did "The Arrival of the Ghost of Christmas Present" it really made us laugh out loud, it must be one of the most brilliant scenes out of the whole play. I play the part of a narrator...and as that part it gives me the opportunity to not only tell the story, but be a part of it too, I've never been a narrator before, and actually still felt part of the play. It's sensational. But then again... that's just Yew Tree.

I'm inspired to see what is to occur next week...


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