Aaron from the Black Company and Gold Company reporting in as well this week...it's been a busy time...you can absolutely hear his intonation in the way it's written...

Me again, I'm here to write about the workshops that a few of us attended yesterday in York. We started the workshops all together with a popular Yew Tree warm up 'people to people' and this where the nice things I'm saying pretty much come to a stop for the workshops. We were split into groups with a unique system of coloured scribbles on the stickers with our names on. The first workshop I attended was puppetry and hearing this I was fairly excited about it because puppets are cool. But here is a quick definition of puppetry just incase you're not aware of it,

"Puppetry is a form of theatre or performance which involves the manipulation of puppets."

We didn't do this. We MADE puppets. If the process of making puppets is called 'puppetry' then we did do a workshop on puppetry but either way to me it seemed to have not a lot of relevence to theatre and i can't sew which made it worse I had to rely on a stapler. Then again maybe i'm just bitter about my puppet being rubbish.

The second workshop was story telling which could have been brilliant if it wasn't an alias for DEVISING. The reason that she gave was,

"As actors we tell stories"

Which isn't wrong in my opinion but it's like saying improvisation is like life in that we don't use scripts in everyday life and that reminds me of the next disapointment. Improvisation. If you don't know me I love improvisation and should have taken to this like a duck to water, which I actually was at one point. But I've got to say that the improvisation warm up games seemed that they weren't explained very well and people got confused. But the worst thing about this workshop is that we didn't learn anything, not like when we do workshops at Yew Tree where we actually learn useful things for our own pieces. I can only imagine Sarah had to clean up the mess she made in her workshops after she blew their minds!


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