I've decided we're impressive...again

I was chatting to someone yesterday who commented on how busy it was on a Saturday morning at Thornes Park, he’d visited the Gold Company a couple of weeks ago. As I was agreeing with him and telling him that there were over 30 members most mornings I had a flash of the significance of this fact. Over 30 people take the time each Saturday morning to come and be creative with us. They forfeit a precious sleep in and devote the time they could do anything else in, to working with us. That’s just at Thornes Park…over the other side of Wakefield there are another three groups working with Gemma which adds up to another 65 people…so Yew Tree Youth Theatre have about 95 people each Saturday prepared to invest there valuable time with us. To do this they have to negotiate lifts, travel, family arrangements, the plans of friends who aren’t members…it’s pretty complex stuff…

So I want to say thanks…thanks for taking this time on Saturdays and any other Yew Tree day (which is most of the days) thank you for all of the above because the result of this investment is that together we have created one of the most vibrant, active, committed and consistent creative communities in our district….so yay us!!!


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