Aaron is back with undoubtedly his best blog to date....take heed everybody...

Ok so here is my FOURTH blog entry now, I don't see why people are so reluctant to write a blog, I suppose this edition of Aaron blogs is more of a plea for more people to do blogs every now and again, although I am aware that Sarah does not need the help to motivate people into doing something good.

I suppose the reason I am so willing to write these blogs is because I know the type of people who comes to Yew Tree and reads these blogs. I write these knowing that people will take the time to read them like I do when others write them. I write them because I feel comfortable with the people at Yew Tree that I would take a risk in writing these and for me it is a big risk because I get really self conscious when it comes to showing something I have taken time in making.

Last rehearsal we had for Christmas carol something brilliant happened for me. we were running through the final scene were I have to change characteristics of the scrooge to 'super enthusiasm' mode (the scientific term) and some people may tell you I’m not enthusiastic much but there was a moment just before my first line I felt all my inhibitions disappear and I was able to give the character something to work with on the first try. Also playing park bench on Thursday ‘I was turning into pterodactyl' possibly the weirdest thing I’ve ever done at Yew Tree.

I know that playing happy Scrooge and turning into a pterodactyl don't have a great deal in common (or maybe they do) but the point I’m trying to make is I was able to do these things because the people at Yew Tree would never criticize something I would do creatively because every single person who goes to yew tree is brilliant, true story.

so pick up a pen and jot some stuff down about an idea that you've had whilst being at Yew Tree or how you've been at Yew Tree because let’s face it who hasn't? Because if I can do this FOUR times at an average standard anyone can do it at least once brilliantly. really all you have to ask yourself is 'What do I have to lose'?’


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