Ch ch ch changes...
You may have noticed that his blog is a day late…I’m blaming one thing…a thing I have very little control over I’m blaming change… My role involves an awful lot of helping people manage change – whether that be organizations, professionals, youth theatre companies or young people…I have become very good at offering advice and support as guidance in navigating the rocky terrain that is transition…for other people I have lots of ideas, lots of words of comfort, lots of strategies to share... However during the last week I have been navigating my own change…with my daughter Amy going to university I, along with the rest of the lovely people in my household, am coping with an Amy sized hole in our home…and it’s hard… Until now I hadn't really realised how much dealing with a substantial change in your circumstances can diminish motivation and hope, create lethargy and a lack of joy. In short I have discovered it’s an antithesis to the culture our household is centred on. ...