Walking in their shoes...

In amongst all the lovely things I’ve done this week one of my main victories has been finishing the script for, “Remember the Oaks.”  It’s been dancing around in my head for quite some time now and it was such a relief to get it out on paper.  All credit goes to my excellent cast, who have supplied me with so many excellent ideas enabling me to write something we can all be proud of.

It occurs to me that one of the most interesting things about my job is that I get to walk in the shoes of people of all ages, from all ages.  To write this play I walked in the shoes of most brave, steadfast and genuine people and it was such a privilege…men who gave their lives for their industry and the women that lost them.  The generations that followed in their footsteps, the ones that forgot and the ones that have a sense of where they have come from.  It’s a play about the importance of remembering…of knowing where you cam from…it’s about havng pride in your community, your heritage and your legacy.

There’s always a lot of pressure when I’m writing…mainly from myself – I want the script to be good, I want it to be better than the last one…I want it to engage and inspire the actors and entertain and enlighten the audience.  There is more pressure this time – I have a community that have trusted me to tell their story and some of them will be in the audience.  Never has there been a more important time for me to be authentic as a writer…I hope I’ve achieved it…I’ve certainly tried.

The next step is to enable my actors to walk in the shoes of the characters of the play so we can tell the story to our audience on the 24th of July.  It would be wonderful if you could be there to support us and the NUM and the Remember the Oaks cause – you can get your tickets here…it's the performance at 2.30pm


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