Toni is our guest blogger

This week at Gold we accomplished 2 things: the filming of The Detective Collective is now finished (*round of applause and whooping*) and we now have around 3/4 of Lit on the Lawn, our next project, set. If I may say so myself, it's fab! And not just because of a rap about Geoffrey Chaucer and a Pride and Prejudice section - although they are my highlights so far. Each week seems like a culture lesson, learning more about British Literature scene by scene - or rather century by century and we even now have a future reading list in the form of a script. 
It's also interesting to see the crossover of literature and film/television, for example, yesterday we staged the Sherlock section in the late 19th century. Undoubtedly we involved a herd of fangirls (and fanboys) fighting over who's future husband Benedict Cumberbatch would be (sorry Sophie Hunter you best watch out for Grace Sanders and Jacob Dore). It made me wonder what the fan culture was like and has changed when these literary classics were published from 700 years ago right up to this decade, or if in fact there was such a thing that could be counted as 'fan culture' before the appearance of today's fan heavens of tumblr and memes. Maybe that's what I should do an EPQ project on - "Fangirling through the centuries".
Anyway, we're having loads of fun putting modern day adaptation references and learning probably more about the British Literature culture than school has ever taught us due to its focus on about 5 books on a syllabus of only a few more. That's what's great about these projects - similar to the History of Theatre and A-Z of Shakespeare and also just that they the most fun to do. (We pretty much have an exit pursued by the Black Death which includes lots of screaming and aimless running).
So if you want to learn about literature while watching us have fun! Come see us performing at the Hepworth in the summer!


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