New work!

As I left Gold Company yesterday I re-realized that one of the excellent things about being a Youth Theatre director is that you get the luxury of making new work all the time.  As I type - in YTYT alone three brand new pieces of theatre are in various states of readiness - all to be performed in the coming months.  On top of that another new piece of theatre, that I wrote the script for, is in rehearsals with a different company. 

Making new work is exciting enough in itself but making it in collaboration with such a creative, resourceful and generous team of collaborators makes it the most joyous process.  Every script I write has the input of the actors of YTYT and that is how I keep writing at such a prolific rate, enjoying every minute of it…

The most recently started new work is a retelling of Hansel and Gretel – I started this last Monday with Sapphire Company.  It will eventually be their Christmas show but before that we have to decide on a creative concept…devise the play and then hone the script into something we can rehearse from September to December.  I have to admit by the time I got to the workshop at the start of the week I was beginning to regret my story choice.  I really wasn’t sure we could come up with something that would be creative, amusing and inclusive enough from a story, which it’s raw form is so claustrophobic, dark and twisty.  As could have been predicted within minutes of being set the challenge of devising the first scene, Sapphire Company were throwing out such clever ideas I was no longer worried at all.  It’s going to be both ridiculous and brilliant – so the usual combination of defining characteristics of a Sapphire play.

On Thursday we were making Remember the Oaks – oh my – this piece is a privilege to work on.  It has been commissioned by the NUM to help raise money for a national memorial to the victims of The Oaks mining disaster – there were over 360 men who died at the mine in Barnsley in December 1866.  Black company are working so hard to make their play unforgettable and honest and I’m so excited about it’s potential.  We finished the opening sequence this week and have mapped out the rest of the play – save the date of the 24th of July so you can come to the Lamproom Theatre to see it!

Finally we are well on the way with our production of Lit on the Lawn with Gold Company – just the last few pages to be staged and then we can concentrate on getting the breakneck speed needed to do this informative yet frivolous production justice.  If you are at all interested in British literature and/or entertaining open air theatre – look out for the imminent announcement of the performance date!


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