Jess is this weeks farewell blogger...

I literally don't know where to start with this... I know Yew tree isn't out of my life but this feels a little bit like a goodbye blog. Yew tree is genuinely my second family. I have had some of the most amazing experiences with the best people and growing up upsets me because I'm too old for youth theatre and lots of other people have it all to look forward to. When I wanted to be an actor Yew Tree helped me, when I then decided to be a teacher, Yew Tree helped me. I genuinely believe that I wouldn't have got into university without yew tree and Sarah's support and guidance. More so than anything though I've had fun. I've laughed with these people more than anyone else and have memories that I wouldn't change for anything. If you like acting or think you could like acting then seriously go to yew tree. Play games and perform with your friends, and absolutely be a part of connections. (You cannot beat the connections weekend in Kendal). Writing this is making me sad... I want to go back in time and re-live it all! Right from A Vampire Story up until Beauty & the Beast. I will absolutely be forcing Yew Tree onto all the Kids I teach in schools.


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