Dee is next in our series of farewell bloggers...

Just a quick cute little yewtree blog, I first met Sarah when I was 13 going on 14 as she started teaching at the dance school I went to, I was a footballers wife wannabe with questionable make up and fashion choices and joined yewtree shortly after, so now 23 going on 24 a whole decade of my little life has being spent with weekly sessions and hundreds of rehearsals and performances. My closest friends, even those who left yewtree years ago some that I still see on a weekly basis some that I see on a monthly basis are from yewtree so I reckon if I didn't join when I did I'd be a lot more unpopular right now and minus an army of girls and a band of big brothers haha. But yeah, to cut to the chase I have always loved dancing but acting wasn't something I thought I could pursue, it wasn't even something I knew I was good at until I came to yewtree and since then I ditched the wag wannabe ways and worked my pink little socks off as since my first performance I've always wanted to be an actor. It's such a split reaction profession and I'm so lucky I have supportive parents that let me follow my dreams rather than get a 'proper' job, you've got to be resilient and positive to keep going because in the industry that is outside the comfort of the youth theatre it's 90 percent rejection 10 percent 'yeah sure you can have the role' ... But I'd be nowhere near as confident about my career path and in myself and wouldn't be half the actor I am without Sarah and Gemma's help. They're amazing women who have helped me and always been there for me through thick and thin and I'm not gonna lie Leaving the youth theatre is awful, but it's time for me to grow up and have the next chapter, auditioning like crazy, expanding my professional work and hopefully take some time out travelling the world taking acting classes but it's not goodbye, I'm taking away with me the most hilarious ridiculous and perfect childhood memories and lifelong friendships. My advice to those at yewtree now would be enjoy being young, enjoy playing, enjoy discovering and growing but please don't wish the years away or grow up too fast


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