Daisy's farewell blog...

First of all I cannot believe I am sat here writing a ‘farewell' blog! somehow I don’t feel old enough to be leaving and going to university (or tall enough for that matter). After a 7 month Yew Tree hiatus because of the gruelling demands of A2 levels, I decided to return and take part in the summer project: 'Brin and His Everyday Heroes'. I would just like to take a moment to thank the entire cast as on a personal note, I have been dealing with some sad news this week, but the yew tree members have managed to obliviously put a smile on my face in all their ridiculousness and loveliness, so thanks guys. I’ll have to admit when I first looked at the script I was a tad bewildered with there being so many characters and relationships, but when we began putting it on it’s feet I started noticing the connections and it was great seeing the characters come to life. I enjoyed having the chance to see everyone again, and somehow they all seemed even older and taller- *cough cough* Libby and Ellen. It was interesting watching people get more and more comfortable in their roles as the week progressed, seeing Bailey transform from turning his character, Harry, from a timid squirell in the first reading, to a menacing lizard in the performance, and how Alice N got sassier every time she ranted at me (and more and more aggressive pulling me back, may I add). Playing Caitlin- one of Shane’s vile crew members- was surprisingly very fun as I got increasingly (and worryingly) comfortable in the role; I think my biggest challenge was being the smallest member of the cast but still appear intimidating. I particularly enjoyed walking round during the fight scene and giving everyone intense stares, although my face did hurt from the constant frowning (I don’t know how these villains do it, I swear I’ve developed a few wrinkles) and of course, mine and Amy's stand off was sassy and fabulous every time. It’s so refreshing performing a play in the space in which it is set in, in this case, a majestic pirate ship. Well...a climbing frame ship in children's playground at the Hepworth, but nevertheless, it was still majestic and I loved the fact that most of the cast forgot their age and revealed their inner child playing on the ship at every opportunity, also other members (Alice H & John) discovering their parkour skills over the week, managing to jump off the ship in a variety of crazy ways. From this aspect, it was probably a positive that we spent two of the days at the dance centre (thanks to the beautiful British summer) as more injuries may have occurred- I'm looking at you Alice N. From this week I have taken away many bruises- mainly from climbing on the pirate ship & ruthless games of annihilation and YT hunger games, new friends yay- Alice Narey where have you been my whole life?! And my new found love of bandanas. Oh, also the acting stuff of course. In the performance I think adapting to circumstance was the main obstacle for the cast, it was awesome that we got such a large supportive audience but it meant that projection was key and shifting the action so the audience could see became essential. So, If you haven’t already, go see Brin and His Everyday Heroes in all its glory on September 26th in the playground at the Hepworth, although, unfortunately, due to university I will not be in it which I am extremely sad about. I am also very sad that (for now) this was my last yew tree performance. *Cue dramatic flashback* I remember being a very scared 14 year old in 2011, nervously shuffling into a Gold session alone with a very very red face. In the past 4 years Yew Tree has increased my confidence immensely, and I’ve met some amazing people and taken part in awesome projects. Fun fact: I actually joined yew tree when I was 10 in 2007 for a month but got scared and left, which I still regret to this day. It’s so hard to pick a highlight, but to keep it brief, I particularly enjoyed: -Halloween at Nostell 2013 where I played a zombie in the attics which was both awesome and terrifying at the same time. I also met the delightful Sam Winder and hours after, I kneed him in the face. (I'm still sorry about that) -Connections 2014 ‘The Wardrobe’ is also one of my favourites. The roll calls, plague maids, delicious Aloysius memories will always stay with me. -Being dropped in the sea by Amy Winder and Courtney was so funny it still brings tears to my eyes. (Note: The Sea physical theatre performance 2014- not the actual sea) -The Beth/Bobbie/Daisy trio #dreamteam- we made the most convincing goblins in situation wink murder and I still cherish my tacky Christmas jumper from our hideous jumper competition. -Playing Belle in A Christmas Carol with my partner in crime Grace in 2013. 'But Belle it's just...' This blog is rather long so thank you if you got to the end and dealt with the surplus of parenthesis (I like to think that there’s an imaginary camera I am making these witty asides to) (I’m not sorry) I can honestly say I doubt that I would be going on to do drama and creative writing at uni if it wasn't for YTYT. It has furthered my confidence and skills so much, and allowed me to meet some amazing friends that I will have forever. Also, because I'm a thuggish teenager, without Yew Tree I of course, would have spent the last 4 years on the streets causing havoc. Lastly, I would like to thank Sarah for being so very fantastic, encouraging me to take on bigger roles and helping me increase my confidence. Also, your mad ability to juggle all the companies still baffles me. Everyone who I've spent my yew tree life with are wonderful humans and I wish you all the best with everything you do. Farewell, for now. Daisy x


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