The unmistakable Amy Osborne ladies and gentlemen...I started to try and edit it and then just left it in her own inimitable style...

hi gals, if you haven't noticed already I think this might be like the second time ever in the history of yew tree blogging ever that I have actually written a blog (which is pretty impressive considering)
anyway it's two weeks until KENDAL! Kendal is my favourite time of year, no competition and I love every part of it especially the party playlist (I don't think anyone enjoys that as much as me), being able to walk around pretty little Kendal, and the whole road trip feel including midnight pizza and time with my favourite people. 

However before the cast of connections can get that reward, they have to go through the process of getting their play up to the performance level that it was 6 weeks ago, as well as incorporating the points of improvement from the assessors report and re-staging the performance for a theatre setting. this process in such a short time frame is guaranteed to be complicated and difficult and during the last two weeks the cast of hacktivists have been up against this. due to the word heavy nature of this play it's easy to slip into a routine of performing it so one of the key things that we are all trying to work on is to find new things and new ways to approach the script in order to make sure the play doesn't become stale. personally I've found this really hard as Beth is literally talking all the time and it's hard enough trying to make sure she says the right thing at the right time, but I'm working on it. she also has some kind of Sherlock complex and my brain doesn't think as fast as hers so that's another added complication. after yesterday's run however every single cast member was starting to find something new, even with the smallest things, for example a change in intonation gave a hidden depth to a line or made you think about something else and we made some exciting revelations. we had two VIP audience members to see that run; Cheryl Thomas who explained to us the importance of an ensemble which we sometimes forget in such a fast paced play with not such an obvious chorus and Joanna Nicks who I have grown up watching in connections performances, and she congratulated us on knowing what we thought about the issues all times and how these changed - an area of improvement the assessor gave us. This made us feel so much more confident about the upcoming performance week.
I hope this wasn't too terrible and THAT YOU ALL COME TO THE PERFORMANCE AT THOMAS A BECKETS (help support Declan in his fundraiser) even if you've come before come again please it'll be exciting and new, thank you!


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