Diving into the new term...

It’s always a delight starting a new term but there was something especially sweet about yesterday…after a spring term of playful nonsense at Gold and a little bit of time off for me, it was time to get our focus back. Over the course of this term we are making a performance for the Hepworth, Wakefield and devising our Christmas play, here is also the possibility of an additional bonus –yet to be confirmed - project too.  For the first time in a couple of years we’re creating something brand new with Gold Company for their major production of the year…we’re going back to Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Snow Queen,” before it was “Frozenised.”  The company dived straight in, in their brilliant inimitable style we had the prologue all set for me to go and write it by the end of the session.

The afternoon was also full speed ahead with a Hacktivists reboot as we started preparations for taking the production to the NT Connections regional festival at the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal.  I was a little concerned with the density of the script about what shape it would be in but as it turned out it was in much better shape than expected.  This is the point where we look at our feedback from the National Theatre and think about how we will shape the play in it’s final chapter.  It was great to see how of one mind the cast were which made the whole process of revisiting and revamping so much more enjoyable than it might have been.  We had lots of conversations about character and the cast as ever lapped up any opportunity to enhance and develop their production.

Now I get to look forward to a session with Sapphire and starting their Christmas play.  Rehearsals with Orange and Jade company who are or will be working on Robin Hood and with Black Company who will rush headlong into full scale rehearsals for Beauty and the beast…good job I had a holiday really…


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