Anticipation rewarded and What Deserves a Plinth?

I love first rehearsals - not the read through bit but when it's all stilted and everything feels too big to get our head round but when we first step up to the text and start pulling things together.  At Black Company this week we did just that, attacking the first scene of Beauty and the Beast and creating something really impressive.  It had been a while coming due to my American sojourn but the anticipation was definitely rewarded by a cracking rehearsal with talented actors.

I direct so much of my own writing which is of course utterly fulfilling but in all honesty it's a treat to direct another playwright's script - the challenge of getting in their heads and realising their vision is an excellent creative challenge and that is coupled with wanting to put my own stamp on the essentially on Thursday night I had fun.  It took a while for the cast to feel confident with the overblown, story telling style but they absolutely got's always a good sign when Jess (who says it how it is) says, "This is good" you know then that you're on the right track, there's a long way to go but we definitely are...

In other news we are on our way to Kendal - but Amy has kept you up to date on that.  Sapphire and Gold are devising away for their Christmas shows and Orange are working on their retelling of Robin Hood.  Also we have our first Yew Tree for Grown Up's session this week so I'll let you know how that goes next week...

However the second part of today's somewhat oddly titled blog is inspired by a trip to The Hepworth by an envoy of Gold Company yesterday.  The purpose of the trip was to suss out Linda Bengalis exhibition as we will be creating a site specific piece of theatre to perform in the gallery in response to it.  The idea we selected from the rich array her work suggests is to create something that asks the audience, "What do you value enough to put on a plinth?" and also "What should you value enough to put on a plinth?" the discussion that ensued was fascinating and made me look forward to creating the piece...


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