Yew Tree Youth Theatre I salute you with pride!!

I genuinely don’t know where to start this week – in a way the guest blogs say it all but as I turn over the page on the chapter of this year devoted to the Christmas Shows the overwhelming feeling I have is of pride…I’m proud of the resilience of my actors, like everyone else at the moment they have so much on, so many responsibilities and so many uncertainties…the audience on Wednesday and Thursday had no sense of that – they got to watch young people between the age of 6 – 19 launch themselves wholeheartedly into the telling of their stories…and what’s more every actor did it beautifully.  I am proud of the sense of teamwork within the company of YTYT – no problem we encountered – and there were a number over the course of the evenings as you can imagine – was unsolvable and that’s entirely down to the fact that the actors in Yew Tree know that the whole is more valuable than the separate parts and no one is more important than anyone else.

But most of all…most of all I am proud of the distance every member of the cast travelled – over the last week – indeed over the whole of the rehearsals I have watched people with no confidence find the nerve to take centre stage – I have listened as people found their voice and I have delighted in the loveliness of seeing young people who defined themselves as non dancers take to the floor with such wonderful style and grace…Yew Tree Youth Theatre I salute you!!

Just worth saying as a kind of post script the fun doesn’t stop quite yet – Black Company are performing A Vampire Story at The Orangery  on Tuesday and we have a lovely evening of spoken word planned on Wednesday…see you there maybe?


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