So this is the New Year...

It seems ridiculous to be saying goodbye to 2014…it was so packed full of delicious youththeatreness it flew by at a breathtaking, break neck speed and now it’s done…all too soon – On reflection I will remember the YTYT year of 2014 for stretching me as a director more than any other and teaching me all manner of things that I have squirreled away in my toolbox of vital knowledge and implements a YTYT director needs… I will remember it for the chance to revisit scripts from years ago restaging them with different actors which is a fascinating process and I will also remember it for the wonderful kick I found in staging some of the writing that I am most proud of…I will remember it for a great deal of laughter, a host of important lessons and of course some pretty stressy situations…but I think I will remember it mostly, as ever, for the wonderful people I shared it with and in that I am including, those young people that have joined us this year…for there have been over the course of 2014 excellent new additions to our happy crew who have made a real difference to the youth theatre…for them and of course for those with long service medals of varying amounts of years I am exceptionally grateful…you’re all great and immensely cherished…that’s not just a trite nice thing to say of a New Years Eve…it’s a genuine compliment – the members of Yew Tree, those that have left and still take the time to visit, parents and friends who support them and us are a pleasure to know and a privilege to spend time with…thank you for a wonderful year.

Now, however, it is time to look forward and we will be back with a bang from the outset…January sees the start of the new term with a full program of YTYT workshops…we have a performance at The Hepworth, Wakefield of a brand new piece of YTYT theatre on the 17th of January and we are being visited by the fabulous Splendid Theatre Company on the 15th of January…my first day of rehearsals is on Friday with a “What’s Next” session for the YTYT members applying for drama college, a Connections rehearsal and a rehearsal for the Hepworth play…the rest of you lovely lot I’ll see from the 10th onwards…I simply cannot wait!!


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