The Wardrobe: The next chapter...

Some of our audience (and actors) expressed a wish to know what happened to the characters they met in The Wardrobe – so I thought I would oblige.  Please note some of the characters are real – they really lived…so I’ve filled you in on some of what actually happened – the fictitious ones I’ve taken literary license and just made a decision…so here goes:

Over four and a half centuries,
A Wardrobe stood strong.
Where children found safety
And an escape from the world.
You know some of their stories
But wanted to know more,
So I’ve predicted the next chapters…
What the future held in store

Queen Elizabeth and Cecily
Had much to look forward to,
The older sister’s marriage was good
Despite all the odds against.
Her first-born was called Arthur
But he never became a ruler,
Meanwhile Cecily did get married
There was no convent life for her.

The Ainsley children never lost
The guilt of Caryl’s death.
Matilda buried herself in good deeds,
To try to make amends.
Tobias became a soldier
To bury what he had done.
Henry couldn’t live with himself
And society he shunned.

We left the three maids in turmoil
At the illness of their friend,
Their future was uncertain
Once the plague had descended.
In the dark times that followed,
Only Sarah avoided death.
They cared for each other
Until two drew their last breath.

Endrit’s efforts with Violet
Served her strangely well.
She became strong enough to thwart
The men who threatened her each day.
But once she had grown courage
And the skills in self-defence,
She had no need of her older brother
Who watched her leave in silence.

As Dido lived, her past became
A distant memory.
She loved and married bore three sons,
Two of whom were twins.
Her legacy was a sign of hope
To all those born in despair
That society can be challenged
Gratefulness at last granted her prayers.

Beth and Agnes were destined
To find unexpected joy.
Their friendship gave them strength
To find a future they deserved.
When a random act of kindness
Gave Agnes a chance to succeed.
She took Beth with her to pastures new
A bright horizon awaited indeed.

Four girls cloistered in the wardrobe
To examine tales most gruesome
Had miseries of their own to face
In the name of education.
Kit became a writer, Susan healed the sick,
Whilst Alice and Harriet married well
Although none of them forgot the secrets
They promised to never tell. 

Anthony and Nell were newly wed
In the moment that we left them.
With Nell facing a life alone
As her husband went to war.
Two long years he fought in France
In a fight that seemed never ending.
But eventually he returned home to her
They were granted their “proper” wedding.

Lucy’s friend encouraged happy thoughts
As she faced an up hill struggle
To achieve good health against the odds
The prognosis was disheartening.
But through his cheer she slowly made
A full and whole recovery
Their future together was the happiest
With no room allowed for misery.

Finally the fate of Chloe,
Who’s state of disillusionment
Cast a shadow over growing up
Made her question human nature.
Little by little she came to trust
The friendship Lauren offered
She taught her how to cope with life
And pick the future she preferred.

These children in The Wardrobe
Are all ghosts of those that came before,
They faced the hardships of yesteryear
And carved a future way to live.
There are things they had to witnessed
That we are sheltered from today
But there are current demons we must face
As we carve our own life’s way.

So there you go…my thoughts on their futures – does it agree or disagree with yours?


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