Our first guest blog is from Bobbie
This year’s Connections play (which I’m sure you all know is called The Wardrobe) is over after three days of performances. To keep my mind of the fact that I’m not actually with my best friends tonight (Friday the 28th if you were wondering), performing a play that I love, my mother took me out to get fish and chips but all I thought about was the fun that we’ve had over the past couple of weeks putting this play together and how much I wish I could be with them. So this is why I find myself writing this blog, in the hope that it will make me feel a little better about missing The Wardrobe. Entirely selfish of me, I know, but there you go. It feels totally and utterly unbelievable that it’s been three months since we started. It literally feels like ten minutes since me and Beth G was sat in Subway deciding what scene we would audition with. It feels like five minutes since we actually got the characters and I don’t think I’m quite ready to say goodbye to either of my characters now or ever. It feels like mere seconds since we had the full day rehearsal in the Christmas holidays. It was so lovely to see how far people have come in just a couple of weeks. Of course this is where I mention Sam, because he struggled and when he finally got it, it was phenomenal and Sheblie because she was able to speak a second language and still sounding fluent in it and Amy O because she reduced me and Shelbie to tears, SHE ALSO DESERVES A SPECIAL SHOULD OUT BECAUSE OF HOW QUICKLY SHE LEARNT HER LINES, YOU GO GIRL and Libby and Ellen because their accents were great and Hollie because her death was effective and real (and she worked hard on that, don’t you know) and everyone did something that they should be proud off but they were the one that I could think off, especially. Everyone managed to achieve the goals that they set out to do and make a show which was beyond perfect and lovely. And if I named everything that I loved since November about Connections, I’d be here for hours, so here are some particular highlights: Taylor Swift sing alongs with Amy O, Amy T and Daisy, Leaning the stupid but brilliant Coffee pot song, meeting Hollie, getting to see Sam and Tom and Amy O on a weekly basis, watching all the scenes develop and blossom, almost living up to my ridiculously high expectations, leaning Sweet Violets, ROLL CALL, the actual Wardrobe itself (GO OZ), Amys swaggy walk into the changing room, and CONNECTIONS WEEK (that would deserve its own blog if I were to tell you all the great things about that) I’m going to miss everything about connections, every single thing. Even though I know it’s not finished yet and we still have Kendal to go, I miss not spending every single Saturday with the people that I love and I miss working on such a wonderful play. Connections was such a great thing to be a part of and I’m so glad that I got the opportunity to do so. Before I go, I want to say thank you to Sarah and Mikey for being great and wonderful and pushing us all just the right amount to get what was needed out of us. Now, I’m going to watch The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and be nostalgic. Bye!


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