Libby's blog....

So gold was started off a little differently this week, we got a special performance of 'say the words' starring Mikey, Dee and Nicola, although it was different to a normal Saturday morning it was nice! We had a quick game of coconuts (won by Beth G and Mervy B) and then jumped straight into finishing off 'Not Too Shoddy' and making sure it is perfect for our performance on Wednesday. After being weaved around the room, we were separated into groups to devise for 'the sea' and ended up having a bellboy drowned in bags, waiters being mistaken for a band, different on board scenarios and a really bad ship crew, we then got to see the town criers that will be around on Wednesday in Ossett (if your not involved, come see us!) To finish off we all got into our blue's, red's and oranges, going through our performance of 'not too shoddy' once again, completing our pebbles on a beach, round by and throughs and Columbia hypnosis, leaving the seven speakers to tell the audience a sonnet about Ossett.


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