In admiration of new members...

The lovely thing about this time of the year is that we get lots of new starters.  I think it’s a lot to do with the dawn of a new year.   Young people (or sometimes their parents) make good on their thoughts about trying something new, becoming more creative or confident by putting thoughts into action.  Whatever the reason we’ve had new starters to the tune of ten or more in the last two weeks…the smallest of whom was 5 and the tallest 22 and its gladdened my heart to meet them all.

I’m always so impressed by the bravery people exhibit when they walk into a room full of strangers unsure of what is going to be expected of them.  It takes a lot to step into the fray like this…I’m always so hopeful that people think it was worth it.  The new starters at Gold were doubly challenged this week when for the first time since we launched YTYT 19 years ago I had to call 999 at a session for someone who had dislocated their knee!  Luckily poor Sian will be as good as new in time and was exceptionally brave throughout…but still if you’d never been somewhere before, such dramatic occurrences would make you think twice about coming again!

New people bring with them a new perspective, a breath of fresh air that energises a company…they are the lifeblood of the youth theatre as with each new starter the longevity of what we do becomes more assured…each time a new face appears at the door from the smallest to the tallest I hope that they will find something within what we do that they want to be part of…that they will become part of the next bit of the journey…so this blog is a welcome to anyone new to YTYT and a thanks to anyone who recommended us to someone you know…I hope you stay with us and we meet your expectations!


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