Another great day with Yew Tree by Grace Sanders Gold companies first session back was great as always, we focused on an array of techniques of physical theatre as we are working in a piece called The Sea and strengthening our physical theatre techniques can give us a larger range on what we can do to set the scene. I noticed that different ways of how minuscule things such as a flick of your wrist or pointing your toe can impact on the scene. The great thing about Yew Tree is that we can work together comfortably and great team effort is needed, which not to boast, but we're great at. Also if you work with the music to give you inspiration for your next move it can make everything fall into place easier, like a guideline. We ended our session with performing our pieces we created in a group together basing our actions on one thing and what it could connote to. Later on in the afternoon connections was all slotting together as a start. All of the scenes are being performed amazingly well but Shelbie and Merv's The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe has to be a favourite of mine, the characters have a bond which they play perfectly bringing you into the moment. Another exciting aspect is that we now have a new idea for the placing of the wardrobe and seating also bringing the audience closer into the action. But I cannot put into words how proud I am for all of them on getting on with their scenes and getting better every week.


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