YTYT Highlights from 2013

After writing my own in the last blog I asked for other people’s highlights of YTYT in 2013 and these are the responses…

Bobbie-Leigh Meadows - Just one highlighttttt? Okay...I'm going with three.... I’m gonna go with 1) Doing the stuff at Wakefield Theatre because that was when me and Beth Garrard properly bonded and I don't know what life would be like without her now. 2) Joining Black. I had admired Black from ever since I started Green all those years ago and being able to be part of it just makes me so happy. And 3) 'The Party at the End of the World'- I absolutely love it. To this date it is George Withington's favourite Yew Tree play and Grace was/is one of my absolutely favourite Characters I've played. I absolutely fell in love with her!
This year in Yew Tree has been one of my favourite years ever!

Yana Lewis - I can't really put my finger on one highlight of the year. To see both my children perform at Phoenix theatre was again fantastic; they are both learning new skills week by week. I also like to take Bethany & Sara to watch the older ones at Perform, when I can to see what wonderful things they do. I think what topped this great year off was Sara singing her own song in front of all those wonderful people and how proud Jack, Gemma and Sarah was of her. X we owe this to the wonderful team at Yew Tree Youth Theatre - well done xx
Shelbie Barratt - My highlight was meeting all the new people and making the most best friends anyone could ever have and knowing that I finally fit in! And also my highlight would also have to be miners as is was so heartbreaking and I was so proud to have been apart of it!
I agree with Bobbie Halloween ended perfectly with Jack calling us a family it touched me it really did!

Beth Garrard - As this has been my first full year of Yew Tree, I couldn't possibly pick just one highlight.  From Halloween Attic Tours and What a Witch, to two lots of Festive Fairytales, I've done two performances at Wakefield Theatre Royal, my first summer at Nostell, first Miners' Memorial and first physical theatre pieces, the start of Connections, helped out at Jade company, joined Black company, and of course, who can forget, been a dancing crocodile, it's been a truly wonderful year!

Sam Winder - My highlight of the year, I am afraid, takes the form of more than one highlight of this year. First, Miners Memorial, which reminded me of our cultural heritage and introduced me to an array of new people. Furthermore, without highlight No.1, I would very likely not have a highlight No.2...
Halloween At Nostell! Worthy not just of the title of "Yew Tree highlight of the year" but "Highlight of my year full stop."
Thirdly, the Christmas shows, which I have been told from a very reliable source (Mis padres), were the best yet. Rather delightfully I think that this year Sapphire company has felt more like a team than in previous years... Hummm…Finally, connections has been great. More serious than anything I have done before and a challenge. 'Nuff said.                       
I have this strange notion that Yew Tree gets better each year. For me anyhow.

Daisy Kennedy This year has been great with Yew Tree. I loved performing at Wakefield Theatre; I had an absolutely amazing time doing Halloween in the Attics, being Belle in Christmas Carol was great. I loved joining Black company and being in 'All I want for Christmas'. I can't choose a highlight, for me this year has been amazing! 

Katie Ludvigsen - My highlight has to be performing Tomorrow I'll Be Happy at Kendall. A truly amazing experience with many lovely and talented people.

It’s Emma Fretwell!  The highlight of my year, as always, was connections.  Tomorrow I’ll Be Happy will stay with me for a long time and the cast were excellent.  We do millions of great projects and excellent creative things at Yew Tree but ultimately it’s the people that make it; I wouldn’t be anyone like who I am today if it wasn’t for my lovely mates.  The people make Yew Tree what it is.  Cheers to you guys, and happy 2014.

Toni Stephenson - Halloween at Nostell! It was so fun and everyone doing it was great! It was the best way to spend half term and the experience of being in the attics at night and scaring people as the came round was brilliant and worth being a bit chilly! (As cruel as that sounds!)

Tom Osborne mine would definitely be connections, getting the opportunity to work with such a fantastic set of people, working on something that turned out to be something we could all be really proud about was just brilliant

Merv Bega - I think the best highlight that I will always remember, is Gold Company. Because I feel like this year especially has changed gold company for the better! I have seen New and impressive actors blossom, and seeing that in its process is just amazing!!

Brittany Dore - I think my highlight would have to be the start of the Sapphire year when we did various workshops, because it was so interesting to look at various different parts of theatre, especially the Shakespearean workshop. I also loved our two-week situation wink murder; it was nice to just have freedom before preparing for the equally enjoyable Christmas show

Gemma - My highlight isn't a huge crucial moment my highlight of the ytyt year is you, my lovely lot. It's jack bringing caterpillar cake for birthdays because he listened when I was juggling 27 young wonderful but loud purple company members, it's Merv leaving me and Ellie Moran in side splitting laughter as he knocked each member of ruby company out of a very grueling and competitive game of musical chairs. It's watching you all grow inches in stature and performance. It's Tiff constantly asking 'why? But why? But Leo, ask yourself why?' It's hurried often laughter filled conversations with Sarah saying 'Wait till you see...could you possibly...and yes blooming Nora they're breathtaking.’ It's Oz 'could I use a swing? Trampoline? Shall I cover the badge?'
So my highlight is you, you lot let me wake up feeling terribly proud I have somewhere exciting to go. So I'm up for it all again next year, are you? X

Courtney Brown - This was my second Christmas show and I was so excited I got a big ish role and I loved every minute of it and I watched connections the last couple a years thinking how good they were and id be honoured to even be apart of it, and I never thought I would get the scene I auditioned for. So this at yew tree has been the best the support form fellow members of yew tree have been great

Libby Taylor - My highlights from 2013 at yew tree are being involved in different yew tree events and getting to meet new people and creating new friendships. I have become more confident as the time has gone on and found new skills that I didn’t know I could do. I enjoyed performing twice at Wakefield theatre and thoroughly enjoyed Christmas productions. I look forward to connections and the new year full of new experiences

Joe Lindley - There are so many highlights in my Yew Tree year, performing at Wakefield theatre, the Christmas games session, the Open Mic Night, but my favourite has to be performing Beauty and the Beast with Crimson Company! The rehearsals were so much fun and the performance went so well. It was such a pleasure to perform with such great people. It was definitely my favourite show to date!'

Marianne Milnes - Its hard to really say a highlight of my Yew Tree year as it is all amazing. One of them could be though, moving up to Gold. I met loads of new people and am enjoying having the extra Yew Tree time in my life.

Ashleigh Davies - My favorite highlight of the year has to be the first time crimson saw Joe and Molly's dance for Beauty and the Beast. It took so much courage to step up and show two characters connecting in such a way, it was completely above and beyond anything we as a company had ever arrived for. When they finished there was complete silence s and then we all stayed clapping, and in that moment I realised how far we'd come as a group. Like a family, others success is our success too.

Grace Sanders - To say I've only had a couple of months I've had the most phenomenal time and made so many new amazing friends. I've performed twice at the Wakefield Theatre Royal, Halloween at Nostell was a different way to spend Halloween in the scary attics of Nostell priory also Christmas productions were exciting and fun to have participated in.  Since beginning Yew Tree my confidence has most definitely actually risen, I genuinely don't know how my confidence would have come out without Yew Tree. And I just want to say a big thanks to everyone who accepted me into Yew Tree.

Madeline Jackson - I think my highlight was the Christmas shows, seeing how far we had come and seeing others and what they have achieved

Amy Thompson - 2013 has been the year that I feel I have been more involved in Yew Tree Youth Theatre. Leaving Sapphire was a tough one, but a good old Gold welcoming took place, starting with A-Z of Shakespeare. Taking on projects like Halloween at Nostell have allowed me to develop more not just as an actor, but as a person. Fears were overcome and challenges were solved with some quick thinking. Also, I dived into some physical theatre performances in Ossett and at the Orangery in Wakefield, which were different but still as interesting as any other form of drama. Christmas shows were just as joyous and enjoyable as always; One word to sum up my role is 'sparkles', Yew Tree know me so well...finally, Open Mic Night made me the proudest friend in the entire world, as so many of the new people I have met this year sung. I'm ever so thankful to have all these people in my life now because of YTYT. I'm already looking forward to 2014, with preparations already unfolding for Connections. Bring it on.

Beth Rowe - My Yew Tree highlights must be performing at Wakefield Theatre both times; meeting new people; gaining insight on Yew Tree during work experience; preparing for the Christmas shows and, finally, seeing how each person has developed as an actor throughout the year.

Fi Cruickshanks - I think my highlight would be the Christmas shows, as well as performing, the whole atmosphere of the night is really nice and even if you don't know everybody there, they're all there to support you.

Amy Osborne - My yew tree highlight of 2013 has to be Halloween at Nostell and The Party at the End of the World. Both of these required completely different skill sets and meant I was able to work with two different groups of fabulous Yew Tree people. I loved the atmosphere and excitement of both with such a beautiful and interesting backdrop, it was lovely.  Also I really enjoyed having Yew Tree involved in One Night Only and Reprise, it was so lovely to work with everyone.

Holly Downs - My highlight of the year is kind of an all year thing just being part of the whole making of a Christmas show and seeing the amazing outcome and that all the hard work has paid off. I can't wait to do it again next year. My mood instantly brightens when I get to sapphire I couldn't have come to a more welcoming drama company.

Charlotte Scott - My highlights of 2013 have been performing Tomorrow I'll Be Happy because it was so challenging and I was really scared but I loved every bit. I really enjoyed the volunteer work with Park Junior because I think it made me more confident. And also I really loved being part of the Nostell summer school cause it's always great

Charlotte Lennon - for me it would be the end performances because all the company's where great but I also really enjoyed doing the different kinds of drama earlier on in the year  

Georgia Petts - This was my first year of Yew Tree and it had been a good year for drama!  I have done three plays which have not only been entertaining to do but also been insightful! Finishing the play isn't a sad moment as there is always something around the corner! I hope 2014 had as many brilliant Yew Tree moments in it as this year has! All in all I couldn't of asked for a better group of better people ever!

Olena Pfirsch - My highlight would probably be devising Rumplestiltskin because whenever we are devising it gives us a chance to present our ideas and have fun with the play that we will be performing so we interact with it more and then we enjoy it more.

Pretty lovely stuff eh?  Happy New Year and here’s to another fun filled, creative, extraordinary year!


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