This Generation...
The YTYT term feels well underway now…most of those who are off
or going back to university have had their last session and by the time this
week is over the last of them will have gone. In addition we have already welcomed a
significant number of new members who will undoubtedly make their mark on the companies
they have joined…
I have been so touched by the lovely blogs and messages from
those who are on their way to the next chapter of their lives…it makes me so
very happy that people have found so much confidence and happiness with
us. However what makes me even happier
is being able to see it happening for the next generation, the generation of
YTYT members we have now.
What struck me this week is how much of the YTYT process is
a two way deal…it’s the members that have their lines learnt, that make sure their
attendance is consistent, that put in the extra effort that travel the
furthest. Imagine my delight when on
Saturday – only two weeks into rehearsals – actors, without being asked were
bringing in props…rehearsing without scripts because their lines were already
learnt…demonstrating their dedication to the production by showing they had
thought about their character since our last rehearsals. It’s those people that at the end of their time
with us will be able to look back over their YTYT career and be proud of what
they’ve accomplished. It felt at Gold
that we were already making great progress… you can read more about that in Amy’s
So as the last of our graduates and alumni head off to
whatever the next bit of their life offers I’m so happy to be right here, doing
what we do best with yet another generation of brilliant young people…it’s
wonderful to be part of your journey!
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