And then Hannah Corden has blogged about Sapphire too

After some brilliant months devising for Rumplestiltskin, it's fair to say that I was definitely excited to come back in September and start putting the play together! So far, we're on scene four, and it's coming together really well.
Sapphire Company is just so big, so the entire thing is double cast- one half of us will perform on the Wednesday Night, and the other half on the Thursday. The great thing about that is that we get to learn from the other actors playing our part and expand on what their doing. Both nights are entirely different as we all play our characters in such different ways, but it's really great to be able to take two spins on every character.
This week, after a round of coconuts and ninja warrior (both of which I'm terrible at!), we started on our next scene, and it was definitely a week of learning some lessons. I think the issue with us as actors when we have a script is that we become so hung up on saying our lines correctly that we forget about the semiotics of the performance. It was good to start concentrating on just how your going to play your character, and thinking about how to portray this in every scene. Another thing we really tried to practise this week was perfecting delivering our lines to the right people, in the right tone and making sure our body language matched everything we said. Ensuring that we deliver every word right up to the end of our line was important as a company too. We definitely had a lot to learn this week, but it was great to see how much of a difference it made all together! I can't wait to perform at Christmas now.


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