Bobbie and Beth were top YTYT members and took part in Wakefields Wordwalk this week - they have blogged about it...

Beth: This blog is going to be in a slightly different format to normal because it is a combined effort from myself and Bobbie and she happens to be one of the most argumentative people I know.

Bobbie: Oi. Shush you. I definitely am not!

Beth: ...see what I mean?

Bobbie: anywayyyyyyy...ignoring Beth....this week Beth and I have been a part of The Wordwalk for the Lit Fest, and it has been great! Even if we have had to spend 20 hours with each other...and that's not counting bus journeys. The wonderful Andrew Loretto gave us the script, full of wonderful pieces from people of all ages, (SHOUT OUT FOR YEW TREE WRITERS + GEMMA AND SARAH BECAUSE YOU'RE GREAT), we got to choose what part we wanted to perform...either a monologue from Sarah, or some stuff from the yew-tree writers. Beth and I both chose one of the monologues that Sarah had written and, if I do say so myself, we rocked! We also got to choose a verse from a poem that was supposed to be performed in the fountain...and let me tell you, NEVER perform something in the fountains when it's even slightly windy! We got soaked from head to toe...buttttttt does that mean we didn't have fun? Nope! It was the matter what happened.
Beth: I wholeheartedly agree. Plus, we got to meet some great people. From writers and poets, to fellow actors and audience members. As part of the student collective, the build up to the benches piece was as fun as the actual performance, with the Hokey Cokey being used as a warm up exercise. Plus we got to bulk up our numbers of Facebook friends, you know, because that's all us teenagers care about. But they were all really great to work with...

Bobbie: *cough* EspeciallyAlice! *cough*

Beth: Yes..who conveniently replaced me as your partner in crime for most of the night.. Moving on.. Special mention must go to Yew Tree's own Nathan Birkenshaw who gave an excellent performance at Burgage Square...

Bobbie: And me and Beth were his own personal fan girls...cheering him on from the, not so quiet, sidelines

Beth: shhh bobbie. and to Alex Grieve for being a brilliant steward and a not-so-excellent bodyguard. I'm kidding of course. I'm sure that if any of the slightly crazy members of the public (who seemed to gravitate towards me) had been too aggressive, he would've stepped in and saved the day.

Bobbie: Can we discuss the Victorias Secret thing now? Pleasseeeeee!

Beth: oh yeah! The evening was of course filled with an eclectic mix of poems and prose including a quirky piece by Stefan Grieve. Did you know Wakefield's statue of Queen Victoria is actually Prince Albert in drag? No neither did we.

Bobbie: for thank Mr Andrew Loretto. Thank you for being brilliant. The Wordwalk was so much fun to perform and watch and that's down to you so thanks and congratulations. Obviously we have to thank all the writers...but Gemma and the yew-tree writers, obviously, get a special thank you. You're great and what you wrote was great. We HAVE to thank Sarah, it's just a necessity. We love you Sarah. Thank you for writing great monologues and for helping us out with what to do with them. Your comments afterwards were so nice. Thank you so much. And..this is a personal thank Beth Garrard...mainly because she hasn't killed me yet...
Beth: and I'd like to make a personal thanks to me too. I was great. But no thanks to Daisy, who was good enough to come and support us but decided to splash the fountain in my face due to a week old Ninja Warrior related grudge. Meany. (Only joking, we love you really). In all seriousness though, I had a really brilliant time. It was a great experience and I hope we get the opportunity to perform again next year.


Beth: always have to have the last word, don't you?

Bobbie: mhm!


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