Who needs a half term?!
There has been a lot going on at Yew Tree Youth
Theatre despite the week having holiday status. It’s hectic and a little
overwhelming but it’s also brilliant.
There are many plans afoot for, “Reprise,” our show with West Yorkshire
Dance Theatre and this week much progress was made. For a start we finished staging, “Giselle.” I’m really excited about this piece as
the performers, all dancers at the WYTDC, are putting there all into it. It has a beautiful gothic feel and
we’re being able to push the physical aspect of theatre to tell this classic ballet
story in a very different way to how it’s usually done…it also has a great
soundtrack. We also finished
staging, “The A to Z of Shakespeare,” in Gold Company…another performance that
will be part of “Reprise.” I’m
enjoying watching the actors develop confidence in the very direct style of
performance this script demands, it needs them to be bold and brave and they
are showing more of this every week.
As a final, “Reprise,” story and as a next chapter to last weeks blog,
the Black Company started working on their piece for the show and things are
finally coming together nicely.
Youth Music met for a day of rehearsal in
anticipation of the premier of their musical, “Something Special,” later this
month. I keep doing a double take
at the cast who have grown in maturity, size and brilliance over the course of
the project. They have travelled
so far and the performance should be a real celebration of this.
In addition to this a group of YTYT members
started working on a new play, “The Difficult Choice,” that is to be performed
at Brighouse School at the end of June.
It’s a piece of theatre in education that aims to get the audience, a
year group of year 12’s thinking about their responsibilities as members of a
community. I was really impressed
with the read through and I am looking forward to see it come to life.
At the other end of the spectrum YTYT
members volunteered at creative workshops for very little people this
week. I think some of them were
reasonably surprised at how different things are when you have a group of under
5’s but as you would expect they rose to the challenge beautifully. The performance where the children
showed their parents what they had been up to was a lovely thing to be part of.
Next week looks even more ridiculous as we
start writing Christmas shows and stage Open Mic Night 10 so I’ve spent the day
plotting planning and preparing in the hope of it being just as good as last
week. I’ll let you know whether
that’s been the cast same time next week!
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