The lovely Brittany from Sapphire!
Hello there ladies and gentlemen alike, I am Brittany, here
to impart wisdom on Sapphire’s frolic into their Christmas play…drumroll
please…RUMPLESTILKSKIN *round of applause*.
Now we began with obligatory games, such as out of the pond and sun &moon, the first being what I assume a bit of fun and the second being a tool with which to begin to explore our imagination, opening our minds up for the task ahead: devising. Finishing with a group sun and moon all rooting from a pot of gold (which saw me try to intimidate a cloud but left me looking more like an apple to be honest) we all sat on the floor in anticipation of the joy which is STORY TIME!
Now, if any of you have read Rumpelstiltskin then you will appreciate how little there is to the story…like there is probably 10 minutes of story and, to top it off, about 5 characters. I shall admit here and now, I was apprehensive. I had read the story over the holidays and simply could not see a way to make is Yew Tree-esque and performable with such a large group as Sapphire has become. But my apprehension quickly turned to excitement when we were given our task, to create initial thoughts on one part of the story, expanding it, adding characters, adding sub plots, whatever we felt necessary. It suddenly clicked in my inane brain how we were going to do this, how silly I was to ever doubt Yew Tree!
We were then each given a number and then sent into that group…simple you may think…but honestly it took me forever to find my group…it had been a long day. When I finally reached my fabulous group we began doing that talking thing which I find always seems to happen in such excitement, which basically saw us all talking and then deciding on an idea to explore then adding to it then changing our mind. It was an on-going circle until we decided to stand up and just begin with what we had and see where it took us…and it took us far. My group decided to focus on two parts, possibly because we wanted to make the role of one of our created characters clear, which included a “boasting scene” and what I like to call the “help I’m trapped in a room of straw scene”. We decided upon our respective characters then we began, exploring parts and creating a piece that, to be honest, I was rather quite proud of.
After some time of practicing (I lost track of time despite the rather quite large watch on my arm) we were told we were performing back, with my group going first. We performed, with only a little bit of dropping character on my part (I failed at a high fiveL) and then sat back to watch other groups. I’ll tell you now; it was a treat and a half! There were added characters, added characterisation of existing character, the addition of heart wrenching back stories and I loved it. I’m sure I speak for everyone (I hope…) when I say it was a joy to see all these different interpretations, and I simply cannot wait to see this all being developed! We finished with a talk about our favourite parts and how to implement narrators into the play, before waving our goodbyes for another week.
So, in conclusion, this week was fantabulous (as always) and I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing our ideas develop into what will, I can assure you, be an awesome piece of drama for Christmas (well obviously…this IS Sapphire J)
Toodlepippingtons for now my fellow Yew Tree-ers,
Brittany x
Now we began with obligatory games, such as out of the pond and sun &moon, the first being what I assume a bit of fun and the second being a tool with which to begin to explore our imagination, opening our minds up for the task ahead: devising. Finishing with a group sun and moon all rooting from a pot of gold (which saw me try to intimidate a cloud but left me looking more like an apple to be honest) we all sat on the floor in anticipation of the joy which is STORY TIME!
Now, if any of you have read Rumpelstiltskin then you will appreciate how little there is to the story…like there is probably 10 minutes of story and, to top it off, about 5 characters. I shall admit here and now, I was apprehensive. I had read the story over the holidays and simply could not see a way to make is Yew Tree-esque and performable with such a large group as Sapphire has become. But my apprehension quickly turned to excitement when we were given our task, to create initial thoughts on one part of the story, expanding it, adding characters, adding sub plots, whatever we felt necessary. It suddenly clicked in my inane brain how we were going to do this, how silly I was to ever doubt Yew Tree!
We were then each given a number and then sent into that group…simple you may think…but honestly it took me forever to find my group…it had been a long day. When I finally reached my fabulous group we began doing that talking thing which I find always seems to happen in such excitement, which basically saw us all talking and then deciding on an idea to explore then adding to it then changing our mind. It was an on-going circle until we decided to stand up and just begin with what we had and see where it took us…and it took us far. My group decided to focus on two parts, possibly because we wanted to make the role of one of our created characters clear, which included a “boasting scene” and what I like to call the “help I’m trapped in a room of straw scene”. We decided upon our respective characters then we began, exploring parts and creating a piece that, to be honest, I was rather quite proud of.
After some time of practicing (I lost track of time despite the rather quite large watch on my arm) we were told we were performing back, with my group going first. We performed, with only a little bit of dropping character on my part (I failed at a high fiveL) and then sat back to watch other groups. I’ll tell you now; it was a treat and a half! There were added characters, added characterisation of existing character, the addition of heart wrenching back stories and I loved it. I’m sure I speak for everyone (I hope…) when I say it was a joy to see all these different interpretations, and I simply cannot wait to see this all being developed! We finished with a talk about our favourite parts and how to implement narrators into the play, before waving our goodbyes for another week.
So, in conclusion, this week was fantabulous (as always) and I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing our ideas develop into what will, I can assure you, be an awesome piece of drama for Christmas (well obviously…this IS Sapphire J)
Toodlepippingtons for now my fellow Yew Tree-ers,
Brittany x
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