No ringing in sick for me...

I’ve been ill this week as pretty much everyone who’s come into contact with me knows mainly because a) I’ve looked awful and b) moaning and complaining have seemed to be a major symptom of this particular cold…situations like this always seem to emphasize the oddity that is my job because I can’t ring in sick…don’t get me wrong I could…people (very brilliant, talented people) would cover for me…would be happy to cover for me…but I can’t do it…I’d feel as if I was missing out on too much…for example if I’d rung in sick this week I wouldn’t have been able to see Sapphire really start to put everything in place for their performance of Jack and the Beanstalk…I wouldn’t have been able to see Orange’s reaction to the Christmas decorations and tree going up in their rehearsal room, I wouldn’t have been able to shout at Black so that by the end of the rehearsal we were getting there with Robin Hood and I wouldn’t have been able to watch Sleeping Beauty blossom into the epic tale it will be in performance…and I wouldn’t have been able to answer the myriad of individual questions, concerns, needs and hopes of young people that have come my way…who would want to miss any of that?

All of those things that I couldn’t miss only get compounded by all the things and projects I do that the youth theatre has very little idea about (unless you ever come on work experience or take that next step into the company and start to volunteer and/or (eventually) work for us…) so yeah I have a job that is absolutely brilliant…so brilliant I can’t take time off and that’s not a martyr thing, the not taking time off is all for my own benefit…so thank you team YTYT for making it another inspiring week…


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