And Michael wrote the second...he was press ganged but only a little bit...

So today was the first run-through of Yew Tree's 2012 connections play, and even though we only did a read through of the script, people already seem to be getting to grips with thier characters, which is pretty ace...
This connections is VERY exciting for me, as it will be my first time having an official part of the connentions play, (By official I mean having an actual designated role) :) I have been a part of connections for the two previous years, Sparkleshark, and Shooting Truth, but I'm just so excited have a role in the actual play... To be honest I'm excited to be a part of it in any way. :D
Todays read-through was, how shall I put this, brilliant, just after this first session, already we have loads of different views and opinions on so many different aspects of every character, and the cast is just perfect, so many talanted young people working together on project like this is something not seen very often nowadays...

So yeah, to sum up, Connections 2012=Absolutey brilliant... :D

From Michael...


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